Cristiana Nicolini


Italian pianist, she was musically formed under the direction of Leonardo Bartelloni and she graduated in Piano in 2001 at the “Boccherini” Conservatory – Lucca, with magna cum laude and honor mention.

In 2006 she graduated with a Master of Arts in Music Performance at the Italian Switzerland Conservatory in Lugano, under the guidance of Nora Doallo, with distinction and praise.

She won more than 30 First Prizes and Absolute First Prizes in National and International Competitions, both as soloist and in piano duo (Bartelloni Piano Duo, with Leonardo Bartelloni) such as Roma 2006”, “Premio Corallino” – Cervo, T.I.M. XIII edition, “Premio Schubert” – Ovada, Premio “Gaetano Zinetti” – Sanguinetto (Chamber Music, duo with cello), “Città di Padova”, “Perosi” – Tortona, “Zucchi” – Castelnuovo Garfagnana, “Rospigliosi” – Lamporecchio, “Euterpe” – Corato, “Edelweiss” – Sestriere, “Riviera Etrusca” – Piombino, “Città di Grosseto”, “Riviera della Versilia”, Liburni Civitas, “Clara Schumann” – Olgiate Olona, “Val Tidone”, Arenzano, Cesenatico, “Hyperion” – Ciampino, “Rovere d’oroyoung talents”, “Nuovi Orizzonti” – Arezzo, “Guido Monaco World Competition”, Magliano Sabina.

In 2012 Michelangeli Editore published a Bartelloni Piano Duo CD, enclosed to “Suonarenews” review, issued in Italy and Canton Ticino (Switzerland).

Over the years she specialized in Chamber Music, performing many concerts in piano duo groups (four hands and two pianos) for important Music Societies like “Amici dellaMusica di Padova” – Auditorium Pollini, “Unione Musicale” in Turin, “SocietàUmanitaria” in Milan, RSI in Lugano and Bellinzona, Milano Politeatro”, “AutunnoMusicale” in Caserta, “Piemonte in Musica”, “Corona Ferrea” in Monza. Her experience in chamber music encompasses also duo with clarinet (Croma Duo, with Maura Marinucci), duo with cello (with Maxim Beitan and Alexander Ziumbrowsky), with violin, viola, double bass, flute and string instruments trio.

As a soloist she performed successfully for Cervo International Festival, Ceresio Estate(CH), “Settembre Musicale” in Orta San Giulio, in the Auditorium of Milan State University, for “Amici della Musica in Oleggio, Piano Festival in Grosseto e with the Philharmonic Orchestra “Mihail Hora”, Bacau, playing the majestic Piano Concerto No. 2, Op. 83, by Brahms.

She attended many Master Classes with such distinguished artists as Sergio Perticaroli, Boris Petrushansky, Oleg Marshev, Vincenzo Balzani, Pier Narciso Masi, Benedetto Lupo.

Also in the chamber music context she had the opportunity of following the lessons of distinguished concert artists as Pier Narciso Masi, J. Goritsky, R. Cohen, D.Johnson, G. Meszaros, M. Ancillotti, C. Chiarappa.

She is currently the Chamber Music teacher for the Academic Courses at theConservatory “G. Puccini”Gallarate, after having been there the Piano teacher for two years. She has been piano accompanist in the instrument classes for the Conservatory  Verdi” – Turin and the Conservatory “Vivaldi” – Alessandria.

Bartelloni Piano Duo has been highly acclaimed by the public and the press:

“They literally bewitch…”

“Something absolutely meaningful and authentic happens with them, in the extreme clarity of their sound, in their profound intention, in their perfect agreement…” (La Provincia)

“Astounding interpretation, full of subtle and dynamic nuances, intense emotional involvement, beautiful sound and elegant musicality…”



5 x 1000

Albo d’Oro

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