ECTS Policy

European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) 


European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a learner-centred system for credit accumulation and transfer based on the transparency of learning outcomes and learning processes.

It aims to facilitate planning, delivery, evaluation, recognition and validation of qualifications and units of learning as well as student mobility. ECTS is widely used in formal higher education and can be applied to other lifelong learning activities.

Gallarate State Conservatoire introduced the ECTS system in 2005.

Each study programme at Gallarate State Conservatoire is based on study plans which include 60 ECTS credits for one academic year (1500 hours). One ECTS credit is assigned to 25 hours of student’s individual work. Credits are assigned to all components of the study programme, that is, to obligatory, elective, optional courses and student training.

The allocation of ECTS credits to course units has been based on student workload required to achieve the learning outcomes of the course units. Learning outcomes describe what a learner is expected to know, understand and be able to do, after successful completion of a learning process. They relate to level descriptors in national and European qualifications frameworks.
Workload indicates the time students typically need to complete all learning activities (such as workshops, performances, lectures, seminars, projects, practical work, self-study and examinations) required to achieve the expected learning outcomes.

The allocation of ECTS reflects the quantity of work that each course unit requires in relation to the total quantity of work, necessary to successfully complete a course.

Exchange Outgoing Students


Full academic recognition for Erasmus student is confirmed by Gallarate State Conservatoire: the study period abroad (including examinations or other forms of assessment) replaces a comparable period of study at Gallarate State Conservatoire (including examinations or other forms of assessment).
Before outgoing students are leaving, the “Recognition Sheet” is prepared by using the learning agreement of the student.
The ECTS credits to be gained at host institution are guaranteed. Good communication and flexibility are also needed to facilitate the academic recognition of studies completed or taken abroad. In this respect the ECTS coordinators have an important role to play as their main task is to deal with the academic and administrative aspects of ECTS.
After completion of the studies abroad “Proof of Recognition” is prepared by the International Relations Office by taking into account the information on “Transcript of Records” provided by the host institution.
Our recognition procedure is explaned in our Rules for the Erasmus Mobility, International Activities and Relations under articles 10 and 11



5 x 1000

Albo d’Oro

Dario Farucci

Dario Farucci, allievo della classe di clarinetto del M° Enrico Maria Baroni,

Benedetto Chinaglia

Benedetto Chinaglia, allievo della classe di clarinetto del M° Enrico Maria Baroni,

Deng Fuke

Deng Fuke, allieva della classe di pianoforte del Mº Maria Clementi, si

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