




Admission exam


First Part


The admission exam to Bachelor Degree includes :

– a First General Part (in the main subject) and, for suitable candidates,

– a Second Part, divided into three stages:

(1) “Basic musical training 2” (Theory, rhythm and musical perception) and, for registered candidates, the tests in

(2) “History of music” and in

(3) “Music Theory and Analysis”,


to prove the previous preparation.

The evaluation will be defined in hundredths.


– A program (from the beginning of 1700 to 1920) lasting at least 15 minutes including at least:

  • Two arias from the Italian and foreign opera repertoire (one of which with recitative)
  • A piece from chamber repertoire (Lied, mélodie, romanza, in the original language)

– Sight reading of one or more easy musical pieces chosen by the exam committee

– Presentation of a short Curriculum describing the studies carried out and the candidate’s repertoire

– General musical interview regarding candidate’s artistic and professional motivations.

The committee reserves the right to interrupt the test at any time.


Second part – General information


Only candidates who succeed in the First Part will have access to the Second Part.

Candidates who have already achieved a certificate equivalent to “Basic musical training 2″of the preparatory course are exempt from part (1) of the Second Part.

Candidates from other AFAM Institutions are required to submit to the teaching secretariat appropriate documentation proving the successful completion of the certification in Theory, Rhythmic and Musical Perception (or equivalent) before taking the exam.


Stages (2) “History of Music” and (3) “Music Theory and Analysis” will be verified for all students admitted to the first year of Bachelor Degrees and who have regularly enrolled.

Candidates who have already achieved a related or equivalent certificate during the preparatory courses at the Conservatory of Gallarate or at other AFAM Institutions are exempt from these tests.

Students from other AFAM institutions are required to submit to the Student Office the relevant certifications before taking the exam.

Students who have not presented suitable previous documentation and / or do not show up for the three stages of the Second Parts will be assigned the relative educational debts.






Performance practice and repertoires


Exam “Performance Practice and Repertoire 1”


  • Performance (vocalise) of an etude out of two presented by the candidate and chosen among the foolowing:


  • BORDOGNI 36 vocalizzi per tutte le voci.
  • BORDOGNI 24 nuovi vocalizzi per mezzosoprano e contralto.
  • BORDOGNI Vocalizzi op. 8 per tenore, soprano, baritono.
  • BUSTI Studio di canto (Il e III libro).
  • CONCONE 15 vocalizzi op. 12.
  • CONCONE 25 lezioni o vocalizzi, op. 10 perii medium della voce. G. CONCONE 40 lezioni op. 17 (per basso o baritono).
  • LABLACHE 28 esercizi progressivi per basso.
  • LAMPERTI Sei Solfeggi e Sei Vocalizzi per tutte le voci.
  • LOTGEN L’arte per la velocità vocale (Il parte).
  • NAVA Solfeggi per mezzosoprano op. 9 (Il e III parte)
  • NAVA Raccolta di vocalizzi di perfezionamento.
  • PANOFKA 12 vocalizzi d’artista op. 86.
  • RICCI Solfeggi per tutte le voci (IV serie, 30 vocalizzi).
  • SEIDLER L’arte del cantare (111 parte).
  • TOSTI. 25 solfeggi per l’apprendimento del canto, per il registro centrale della voce.
  • VACCAJ Metodo pratico di canto italiano da Camera (dalla lezione X).
  • ZINGARELLI Solfeggi per voce di basso


  • Performance of an ancient aria out of two presented by the candidate
  • Performance of a chamber aria out of two presented by the candidate (one must be in a language other than Italian)
  • Performance of an operatic aria with recitative (if relevant) from the 18th century onward.


The commission reserves the right to interrupt at any time.


Exam “Performance Practice and Repertoire 2”


Performance of an ancient aria

Performance of one sacred aria

Performance of one chamber aria, Lied or chanson

Performance of three opera arias, to be sung by heart (preferably one with recitative and one in a language other than Italian).


The commission reserves the right to interrupt at any time.


Exam “Performance Practice and Repertoire 3”


Performance of a modern etude out of two presented by the candidate

Performance of an ancient aria

Performance of one sacred aria

Performance of one chamber aria out of three presented by the candidate  (at least one in a language other than Italian)

Performance of two opera arias out of four presented by the candidate, to be sung by heart (at least one with recitative and one in a language other than Italian).


The commission reserves the right to interrupt at any time.



Exam Scenic Art 1


Diction and phonetics


Oral examination of the theoretical preparation on phonetics and diction of the Italian language, in relation to the material delivered and addressed during the course.


Recited reading of one of the following texts:


Addio, monti.. da I Promessi Sposi (Alessandro Manzoni)

La Volpe a Pinocchio, da Pinocchio 1961  (Carmelo Bene)

Monologues from  La Locandiera di Goldoni or other pieces agreed with the lecturer


Recitation by heart of one of the following poems:

L’Infinito (Giacomo Leopardi)

  • Sono una creatura (Giuseppe Ungaretti)
  • A mio padre (Camillo Sbarbaro)
  • Benedetto sia’l giorno(Francesco Petrarca)

Or others to be agreed with the lecturer.




Final Exam

The final test is aimed to highlighting the peculiarities of the candidate that have been emerging during the three-year degree course.The student is admitted to take the final exam for the achievement of the first level Academic Diploma (Bachelor) after:• have passed any supplementary exam assigned during the admission tests;• have completed his/her career, passing – by examination or qualifying test – all the disciplines listed in his/her study plan;• obtained no less than 174 ECTS. The final exam leads to the award of further 6 ECTS and may consist of: • a Recital lasting no less than 60 minutes;• a Recital lasting no less than 30 minutes, together with the defense of a thesis of at least 40 pages (size 12 pt). The performative part must contain at least one piece in a language other than Italian and one with recitative The final grade is expressed out of one hundred and ten and consists of:1)  the weighted average of the exam grades taken during the course degree (N.B. In the Italian academic system, exam grades are expressed in thirties; their weighted average is then converted to one hundred and ten through an equivalence). to which are added ex officio: • 1/110 points, if the student has acquired no less than 20 CFA / ECTS through Erasmus;• 0.33 / 110 points for each honors/cum laude obtained, i.e. three honors correspond to 1/110 points. The sum is rounded up if the decimal is equal to or greater than 0.50.2) the exam result, from 0 to 7/110, plus any honors and mention unanimously awarded by the Commission.




5 x 1000

Albo d’Oro

Dario Farucci

Dario Farucci, allievo della classe di clarinetto del M° Enrico Maria Baroni,

Benedetto Chinaglia

Benedetto Chinaglia, allievo della classe di clarinetto del M° Enrico Maria Baroni,

Deng Fuke

Deng Fuke, allieva della classe di pianoforte del Mº Maria Clementi, si

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