Erasmus Policy Statement (EPS) and Erasmus Chart

Given the constant growth of the Conservatory “Giacomo Puccini” – Gallarate, we believe our presence in the European cultural community is essential to enrich our educational offer through cultural exchanges and interactions with other realities that enhance the personal and professional development of students, lecturers and administrative staff, through the comparison with different cultures and teaching methods.


Participation in the Erasmus+ Program is for us a great motivational boost and a key-opportunity of personal and professional development.


With more than 35 agreements with likewise local undergraduate schools, the “Giacomo Puccini” Conservatory has a natural vocation to open-mindedness, inclusivity and a sound experience in collaborating with other institutions. The Erasmus+ Program opens up to us the challenge to become an actor in the realm of European education, being part of a training network that exceeds national borders.


Our Erasmus+ action focuses on modernizing educational systems by reforming specific key-sectors: minimize the competence imbalances and promoting the excellence of the teaching staff supporting exchanges between institutions; insert mixed study modalities, a distance, and part-time learning; use technology to structure better learning.


Ambitious goals that we consider the only one objective that can be considered in a reality that can no longer be measured by I national borders.


Through the new spaces available to the Puccini Conservatory, as ad example the Teatro del Popolo of Gallarate with 200 seats, we mean involve partner institutions in our already active artistic projects, such as Virtuosi e virtuose review, as well as the concert season in collaboration with the local Civic Gallery of Modern Art (MAGA).


Thanks to new spaces we are able to be interlocutors for a proposal music involving our Institute, the city and the whole province of Varese, province in which the only Conservatory is precisely the Puccini of Gallarate.


We believe that no institution of higher artistic education should fail to appeal when it comes to culture in the world and every Conservatory has excellence to put at the service of European Education Area. The city of Gallarate in particular received the Gold Medal ai meritorious of the school of culture and art by the President of the Italian Republic for having distinguished itself in diffusion and elevation education, school and culture, in this reality the only one Public institution of university level of the city cannot exempt itself from continue to protect and cultivate every possibility of cultural implementation e school.


Our focus is the artistic production, aimed to  enhancing a cultural dialogue, besides educational growth. We do believe music is a powerful communication means, an idiom which can overcome any barrier.


Any tool and source made available through Erasmus+ Program will be employed, from OLS to Erasmus+ App, in order to make your Erasmus stay at our institution  pleasant and proficuous



5 x 1000

Albo d’Oro

Dario Farucci

Dario Farucci, allievo della classe di clarinetto del M° Enrico Maria Baroni,

Benedetto Chinaglia

Benedetto Chinaglia, allievo della classe di clarinetto del M° Enrico Maria Baroni,

Deng Fuke

Deng Fuke, allieva della classe di pianoforte del Mº Maria Clementi, si

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