Foreign Students

Non-EU citizens who do not already reside in Italy must submit a pre-enrollment application to the Italian Diplomatic Representation in the Country where the qualification was awarded, following the indications and deadlines set by the Italian Ministry.


For these students a number of reserved seats (i.e. quota/numerus clausus) per year is set 

After submitting the documents to the Italian Diplomatic Representation and after the appropriate checks, this latter will return to the candidates:
-the application for pre-registration with authenticated photograph and signature;
-the translated and legalized documentation related to the completed studies;
-the Declaration of Value of the foreign qualification(s) already awarded.


The Diplomatic Authorities send to the Universities chosen by the perspective students (usually in the month of July) the list of candidates subdivided into course degrees (Bachelor and Master). The Universities, after a first administrative check of the requests, will inform the Representations of the “under reserve” acceptance of each candidate to the admission tests and will indicate the location, date, time and methods of both the admission test and the Italian language proficiency test.


For admission to the first and second level academic degrees (i.e. Bachelor and Master), students must take an Italian language proficiency test (the assessment of Italian language skills consists of a written test and an oral interview). Students who do not pass it cannot be registered and must leave the country before his/her visa expires.


Exception: According to ministerial regulations, an Italian language proficiency test is not compulsory – and in some cases Non-EU candidates are not subject to the quota limit – if the perspective student already holds a recognized Italian language certificate.



After passing the language test, the perspective student must send to the Student Office the documentation issued by the Diplomatic Representation and the receipt attesting to the submitted application for residence permit.


To complete the enrollment, a copy of the residence permit issued by the Diplomatic Representation must be forwarded to the Student Office. It is mandatory to submit a copy of the residence permit renewal(s) to the Student Office every year.




Who is concerned:

Citizens of countries belonging to the European Union or equivalent (citizens of Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and the Republic of San Marino); non-EU citizens already in Italy with a residence permit obtained for work (self-employed or subordinate), family reasons, political asylum and religious reasons; Italian citizens who obtained a qualification issued by foreign authorities.


EU citizens (and equivalent), non-EU citizens legally residing in Italy and Italians holding foreign qualifications DO NOT HAVE to submit a “pre-enrollment” application to the University through the Italian Diplomatic Representation and they DO NOT HAVE TO PROVE their Italian language proficiency.


For each qualification obtained abroad (i) a translation into Italian, (ii) a legalization and (iii) an “on-site Declaration of Value” issued by the respective Italian Diplomatic Representation must be provided.


Perspective students living abroad can obtained a translation of their documentation through local translators, as long as a Declaration of Conformity of such a translation issued by the Italian Representation is provided to the Student Office, too. If the perspective student is already in Italy, official translators can be committed through the Courts.


The Declaration of value must be issued by Italian Embassies or Consulate in the country where the qualification was awarded.




5 x 1000

Albo d’Oro

Dario Farucci

Dario Farucci, allievo della classe di clarinetto del M° Enrico Maria Baroni,

Benedetto Chinaglia

Benedetto Chinaglia, allievo della classe di clarinetto del M° Enrico Maria Baroni,

Deng Fuke

Deng Fuke, allieva della classe di pianoforte del Mº Maria Clementi, si

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