Language Policy

All courses and lectures are held in Italian, with the exception of some courses, which may be held in English or other languages depending on the needs of the student and the availability of the teachers, that will be communicated at the time of planning the exchange.

A B1 level knowledge of Italian is recomended to attend the courses. Teachers and staff in future mobilities must already have the minimum level of language competence to participate in the selection process.



5 x 1000

Albo d’Oro

Dario Farucci

Dario Farucci, allievo della classe di clarinetto del M° Enrico Maria Baroni,

Benedetto Chinaglia

Benedetto Chinaglia, allievo della classe di clarinetto del M° Enrico Maria Baroni,

Deng Fuke

Deng Fuke, allieva della classe di pianoforte del Mº Maria Clementi, si

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