Mobility Staff

The teaching and administrative staff of the Conservatory can carry out periods of teaching and / or training in a country participant in the Erasmus program with which Puccini has a partnership relationship (Italian institutions are excluded).


The planned activities are:

  • Teaching periods: teaching staff can go to teach at a higher education institution in a partner country
  • Training periods: teaching or administrative staff can access training periods abroad by spending short periods in working partner institution.


The candidate must present the invitation from the host institution and a working plan agreed between the two institutions,  specifying:

  • The dates of the stay
  • The proposed teaching / administrative activity
  • The pursued goals and the expected results



5 x 1000

Albo d’Oro

Dario Farucci

Dario Farucci, allievo della classe di clarinetto del M° Enrico Maria Baroni,

Benedetto Chinaglia

Benedetto Chinaglia, allievo della classe di clarinetto del M° Enrico Maria Baroni,

Deng Fuke

Deng Fuke, allieva della classe di pianoforte del Mº Maria Clementi, si

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