Student Mobility


Applications by Erasmus students will be processed by Puccini Conservatory only if students meet the following requirements (as of the date of submission of the application form):


Outgoing students

  • enrollment in the second year of a Bachelor Degree (the application can be presented during the first year);
  • enrollment in the Master Degree;
  • be in compliance with the registration fees.


Incoming students

  • registration with an Institution with which an exchange agreement is in force
  • Knowledge of the Italian language (at least a B1 level is recommended)


In order to participate in the selection for the exchange program it is necessary to provide:

  • Application form (in English) and Learning Agreement
  • A Motivational letter and a curriculum vitae
  • A link to an audio or video recording on your YouTube Channel (min. 15/20 minutes)


The Learning Agreement of both incoming and outgoing students, must be agreed with the respective Referee, bearing in mind the correspondence amid subjects, programs, hours and credits.

Upon arrival, incoming students will be set in contact with a Tutor who will be their reference person during their Erasmus stay.



Students from EU/EEA countries have access to health insurance with the European Health Insurance Card.

Please ask at your national health insurance how to obtain this card. In most cases your national health insurance card corresponds to your European Health Insurance Card.

This card entitles the holder to any medical assistance that might become necessary during a temporary stay (but cannot be used for private sector health care providers).

The treatment cost will be the same of any Italian citizen.

Non-EU students can apply for voluntary registration with the SSN (National Health Service) and obtain an European Health Insurance Card that has the same duration as the residence permit.

To register with the Italian National Health Service, non-EU students must apply to the ASL office, via Vernieri 1, first floor, from monday to friday 8:30-12:30 – phone +39 (0) 89 694255, presenting a personal identity document, residence permit and self-certification of residence. The registration cost for the current year is € 149,77.


Online Language Support (OLS)

The European Commission through the Erasmus + program offers a online linguistic support (OLS) to students participating in the program. Online Linguistic Support (OLS) is designed to help those participating in the Erasmus + program and in the European Solidarity Corps to improve command of the language in which they will have to work, study or volunteer abroad, so that they can take full advantage of this experience.

Since the lack of language skills continues to be one of main obstacles to participation in European programs in the realm of education, training and mobility of young people, the OLS offers smart and flexible support. In addition, it contributes to a specific objective of the program Erasmus +: promoting language learning and linguistic diversity.

Erasmus + OLS (


Erasmus + Mobile App 

To stimulate student mobility throughout Europe, make information easily accessible and ensure simple and secure online administration procedures, the Puccini Conservatory of Gallarate will make available for each Erasmus student a dedicated account on Erasmus + Mobile App.


Puccini Conservatory has conventions with different accommodating structures (see below) and will take care of assisting the incoming student in finding an appropriate accommodation during the stay in Gallarate.



5 x 1000

Albo d’Oro

Dario Farucci

Dario Farucci, allievo della classe di clarinetto del M° Enrico Maria Baroni,

Benedetto Chinaglia

Benedetto Chinaglia, allievo della classe di clarinetto del M° Enrico Maria Baroni,

Deng Fuke

Deng Fuke, allieva della classe di pianoforte del Mº Maria Clementi, si

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